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Kayak the 4,000 Islands

The 4000 islands, known as Si Phan Don in the Laotian language, is a vast Mekong area located in the southernmost part of Laos, dotted with thousands of islands of different sizes. In this area, the Mekong River can reach up to 14km wide during the rainy season.

This is where travellers can enjoy the tranquil beauty of the river bank, rural villages and stunning waterfalls by kayak for another perspective of life in Southeast Asia, with plenty of routes available to explore.

A short drive can take you to Khone Phapheng Waterfall, the largest waterfall in South East Asia, otherwise known as the “Niagara of the East”. In addition, while paddling down the Mekong, lucky guests may see rare Irrawaddy dolphins gathering together close to the border of Cambodia.

Experience Laos