Enjoy tradition and local life in the Ananda Pagoda Festival

The Ananda Pagoda Festival is an annual celebration in central and upper Myanmar celebrating the end of harvesting with an accompanying Buddhist ritual. It is also an auspicious time to present alms to the Buddhist monks with thousands of pilgrims flocking to the site to get their blessings. 

The Festival last for 15 days and usually happens in the first week of January. However, similar to most Asian countries Myanmar uses the lunar calendar so festival dates vary from year to year.  In 2017 the Festival is held from the 4th of January to the 17th of January 2017.Traditionally the festival peaks on the full moon, which falls on the 12th.

 Red robed monks trickle in from across the countryside alongside thousands of pilgrims who fill the roads with ox carts laden with their harvest and handcrafted wares.

The festival has the delightful atmosphere of a country fair with a mix of ancient Buddhist sermons and prayer rituals. There is ample entertainment throughout the festival showcasing traditional ways of life, which have been passed down from one generation to the next.

Around the Ananda Temple, you will find plenty of food stalls, merchants peddling their handicraft and farmers looking to sell the products from their harvest.

The festival itself has no dress code, but when entering Buddhist temples and monasteries it’s best to dress conservative by covering your shoulders, arms and knees. If you’re looking for a festival to enjoy traditional local life in Bagan, this lively festival is perfect for you.

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