Hanoi after dark

Hanoi has never been claimed by travelers as a tremendous party and nightlife destination and there is no way to hide. Nonetheless there are plenty of things to do in Hanoi at night. You will not find much information about it in guidebooks or online. So let us guide you on a typical Hanoi after dark journey.

Compared to cities like Saigon, Phnom Penh or Bangkok, Hanoi features very few bars, night clubs and is still running on a midnight closing policy. It is still much more developed than few years ago, and the authorities are planning to allow bars of the old quarter to stay opened until 2am. More to the travel experiences side rather than party. If most Hanoian do not stay out very late, a considerable bunch of them are at work. Welcome to a world where the day starts when the sun sets.

Sunset on the West Lake

Sunset on the West Lake 

You may choose to start from the Long Bien bridge, piece of steel and History where you can witness a beautiful sunset over the banana trees of Bai Giua island. Then let’s go grab some food. You like chicken? There is an alley, tucked away not far from the Temple of Literature. It is called Ly Van Phuc, and it is specialized in bbq grilled chicken. These food stalls are right on the street and open at night only. They all serve nice grilled food caramelized in sugar and served on skewers: chicken, sweet potatoes, bread.

A Conner of Ta Hien Street

A Conner of Ta Hien Street

Later in the night, get ready to step into another dimension visiting the wholesale markets of Long Bien and Dong Xuan. It is huge, hundreds of people swarming around pyramids of fruits, vegetables and spices. Get a little farther and the fantasy keeps on with the unique Hanoi flower market. A wholesale market as well with flowers gleaming under the orange lights of old incandescent light bulbs.

Quang Ba Flower Market

Quang Ba Flower Market 

If you feel hungry again and would like to taste some more of Hanoi gastronomy, pass by the so-called Food Street (Tong Duy Tan Street) before heading to bed. This is the only street in town where food shops are allowed to stay opened all night. Here's juts our recommendation about the activities to do in Hanoi by night but there is a multitude of interesting things to see and places to go well after the sun sets. You can contact with our expert to have more information and the most suitable options.

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